perjantai 15. huhtikuuta 2022 Interesting Photo of the Day: Cold Night Aurora

The harder you work, the better you’re incentivized. Do you think this applies to nature as well? With photographer Tristan Todd it seems like the notion surely worked out in his favor. Todd was well-compensated when he went out at midnight with the temperature down to -35 degrees Celsius and a wind chill of -50 degrees Celsius because, in the end, he got to witness the best Aurora in his life:

“Aurora from Yellowknife, Canada” by Tristan Todd (Via Reddit. Click image to see full size.)

The image is a single 10 second exposure that Todd took at 14mm, f/2.8, and ISO 1250 in Yellowknife, Canada.

Aurora in itself is a marvelous phenomenon to witness in real life. The grandness of it that takes up the entire field of view is actually difficult to convey via a photograph. With this particular event, the experience must have been the same for Todd. But, one thing we can surely tell is how bright the Aurora must have been. Even the snow seems to be lit with it.

“During our visit, the Aurora was so bright and active that the snow was visibly reflecting the green.”

And while the lights are the highlight of the image, even the foreground and the background are quite interesting on their own. The lights reflecting from the snow even light up the trees in the foreground. It creates a look that is simply astonishing. And the stars in the sky are no less beautiful. There’s so many of them spread across like specs of glitter in the sky.

Wouldn’t you just love to witness this for yourself?

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