perjantai 11. helmikuuta 2022 ON1 Photo RAW Editor Version 2022.1

In photo editing news, ON1 recently released a new update to their popular editor. Version 2022.1 includes an enhanced Sky Swap AI, a unique re-editable Liquify Tool, Snapshots, new photo organizing features in Advanced Search and Smart Albums, and several more features and enhancements. See how it works: ON1 Photo RAW Version 2022.1

on1 photo raw

New: ON1 Photo RAW Version 2022.1

New Features in ON1 Photo RAW 2022.1

  • Liquify Tool – The new Liquify Tool lets you push, bloat, and pinch areas of your photo to reduce flaws or reshape regions. It’s completely non-destructive, so you can easily adjust each stroke after the fact.
  • Enhanced Sky Swap AI – The AI model for Sky Swap AI has been enhanced to improve masks on photos with birds, buildings, antennas, trees, and other objects in the sky.
  • Advanced Search – Finding the right photos got a lot easier with the new Advanced Search dialog. It harnesses the power of a modern database to search the metadata for all of your photos. This goes way beyond the basics to include searching on any combination of fields, with per-field operators and intelligent ranges.
  • Smart Albums – Save your favorite searches as Smart Albums so you can get to just the right photos in an instant. You can create Smart Albums for your favorites, for holidays, recent edits, you name it.
  • Snapshots – Snapshots let you freeze a point and time so you can always get back to it. They are perfect for comparing different treatments like color versus black and white.
  • Crop Tool Presets – The crop tool now lets you store custom crop aspect ratios so you can quickly re-access them.
  • Visualize Dust When Retouching – Have you ever made a print to only see a big dust spot you hadn’t noticed on your screen? Now it’s easy to find all the dust and remove them with the new Visualize Dust option in the retouching tools. It makes the dust jump out, so you don’t miss any.
  • Shared Presets – Presets you create or install from preset packs are now shared across all supported versions of ON1 apps, like ON1 Photo RAW and ON1 Effects.
  • Topographic Map – If you are an outdoor enthusiast, you will appreciate the topographic map option in the map view.
  • Performance Improvements – Faster Background Export, Faster Opening of RAW Files, Improved GPU support for M1.
  • New Cameras – Added support for Raw files from the Canon EOS R3, Sony A7 IV, Ricoh GR IIIx, and Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5 II.
  • New Lenses – OLYMPUS M.12-45mm F4.0

Version 2022.1 is a free update for all owners of ON1 Photo RAW 2022.

See how it works: ON1 Photo RAW Version 2022.1

Go to full article: ON1 Photo RAW Editor Version 2022.1

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