perjantai 16. lokakuuta 2015 New: Mastering Composition – A Photographer’s Guide to Seeing

After the camera, the photographer’s most important tool is the eye. We all want to create powerful, dramatic, and impactful images. But we can’t get there without an understanding of the fundamentals of composition. Mastering Composition: A Photographer’s Guide to Seeing delves deep into what makes great compositions – written for photographers of all levels who want to capture eye-catching photos. We were able to negotiate 36% off for PictureCorrect readers which ends soon ($8 down from $13). Deal found here: The Mastering Composition eBook at 36% Off

mastering composition

New: The Mastering Composition Tutorial eBook

Mastering Composition takes you on a journey beyond the rule of thirds and explores all the principles of composition you need to understand in order to create beautifully designed and emotive photos.

First, you need to understand how your camera and lens see the subject. Then you need to learn how to see the subject in abstract terms—as a series of lines, shapes, tones, patterns, and colors. Finally, you need to be able to see and exploit the visual relationships between these elements.

This ebook was designed to show you how. It’s presented in 20 easy-to-digest lessons and includes two case studies with photographers Betina La Plante and Michael Diblicek.

  • It explores the principles of composition that master photographers and artists have used for centuries to create beautiful images.
  • The pages are laid out and beautifully illustrated, making it easier for you to read and learn.
  • It’s very practical. You can treat each chapter as a creative exercise and go out and put it into practice.
  • It’s meant to be an invaluable reference guide you’ll return to again and again as your understanding of composition deepens.


What You’ll Learn

  • Why you can’t rely on the rule of thirds to create powerfully composed photos
  • How learning to see in black and white will make you a better photographer
  • How to create the illusion of depth in your images
  • How to use juxtaposition and contrast to add interest to your photos
  • How gestalt theory and the principles of visual weight work together
  • Why simplification is the key to creating stronger images (and becoming a better photographer)
  • How to use tonal contrast as the basis for successful composition
  • How the focal length of the lens you use affects composition
  • How to use line to make your photos stronger
  • Why the human element is such an important part of successful composition
  • How to capture gesture and moment

samples pages from composition ebook

Topics Covered (147 pages)

  1. Look Beyond the Rule of Thirds
  2. Seeing Tonal Contrast
  3. Learn to See in Black & White
  4. Look for Shapes Everywhere
  5. The Power of Line
  6. The Illusion of Depth
  7. Rhythm, Pattern and Repetition
  8. Juxtaposition and Contrast
  9. Dimension and Scale
  10. The Human Element
  11. Gesture and Moment
  12. The Language of Lenses
  13. Simplify
  14. Gestalt Theory
  15. Visual Weight
  16. Balance and Symmetry
  17. The Importance of Backgrounds
  18. Learning from Long Exposure Photography
  19. The Photographer’s Intent
  20. How to Learn More About Composition

How to Get a Discounted Copy This Week:

This ebook is a PDF. You can view Mastering Composition using free Adobe reader software on any PC or tablet. You can also read Mastering Composition on the iPad using iBooks—it has been optimized for iPad viewing. We were able to arrange a 36% discount for PictureCorrect readers, $8 (normally $13).

Deal found here: Mastering Composition eBook

Go to full article: New: Mastering Composition – A Photographer’s Guide to Seeing

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