torstai 29. lokakuuta 2015

Star trails over Hunter's Brook by AaronPriest (

I like shooting star trails when there is still some color in the sky. This is 136 frames stacked from 8:17 10:02 PM on May 20, 2015 of Hunter Brook on Hunter Beach in Acadia National Park, Maine, facing north for circular star trails around Polaris. I started shortly before the beginning of nautical twilight when stars were just becoming visible and the sky was still blue, and shot until the end of astronomic twilight, about an hour and forty-five minutes. After dark we went back to the truck to grab cold pizza and some warm blankets to enjoy the view while the cameras were clicking away, leaving some light trails with our headlamps and flashlights. I ramped the exposure from ISO 1250 to 2500 with DslrDashboard on a Nexus 7 tablet and ramped the white balance from 7000°K to 3022°K with LRTimelapse. RAW conversion to 16-bit TIFFs was done with Lightroom and stacking with Advanced Stacker Plus in Photoshop. Nikon D700 & 14-24mm f/2.8 @ 14mm, f/2.8, ISO 1250 2500, 30 seconds via 500px

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