sunnuntai 31. heinäkuuta 2022 How to Select a Sky in Lightroom

This step-by-step guide will teach you how to use the Select Sky tool in Adobe Lightroom.

select sky lightroom

I think you will agree with me when I say it’s hard to quickly select the sky.

Well, it turns out you can select a sky Precisely and quickly using the latest Lightroom tools.

Let us dive right in –

Sky Selection tool in Lightroom

  • Under the Lightroom develop module, select the masking option.

select masking option

select sky

  • Click on the Select Sky icon under the option Masking > Add New Mask
  • Mask Panel will appear. You can see the Sky in the image selected. Check the Show Overlay checkbox to see which area of the Sky is selected.

initial sky selection

  • You have made the initial Sky selection. You can use this Sky Selection as a good starting point. Apply the targeted adjustments for a selected Sky.

Optional steps to refine a sky selections

  • Once you make the initial Sky selection, under the Mask panel click on the selected mask.
  • Below the Mask, there are 2 options- Add and Subtract
  • For adding more areas to the Sky selection, click on Add.
  • There are multiple options to Add to the current selection.
  • The brush option is helpful in extending the selections. Select the brush option and paint over the area you want to select.

brush for sky

  • To subtract from the selection, select the Subtract option. Select the brush and paint over the area which you don’t want in the selection.

subtract from selection

  • Out of multiple selection options, I find Brush option to be helpful in adding or subtracting to the Sky selection.
  • If your Sky selection demands for additional selection options feel free to give a try. It’s worth it.

Visualizing the overlay

  • You can visualize the selected Sky using various overlay modes.
  • To visualize the selection, under the Mask check the Show overlay box.
  • You can see a default overlay as Color Overlay. Now you can choose a different color for overlay. Click on the color palette and select the color of the overlay.

color overlay

  • Also, there are other overlay modes available. I Choose color overlay or Color Overlay on B & W as I find those overlays easy to refine the Skyselections. You can choose which you find useful for your images.

overlay black and white

Bonus tip to quickly make the image beautiful:

  • Select the Sky as mentioned in the above steps. Use the Select Sky feature for selecting the Sky.
  • Make Targeted adjustments to the Sky. Specifically targeted adjustments I recommend are – Black and White point, Highlight/ Shadows, Vibrance and Saturation, Clarity, Texture, Sharpness, and White Balance. Every image is different hence you can apply targeted adjustments as per the image requirement.
  • The Key Idea here is, to create a beautiful sky that compliments your main subject. Increase the impact of the Main subject by gently optimizing the sky.

optimizing the sky

Now it’s your turn

I hope this Lightroom tool will help you to select and edit the Sky faster and accurately.

About the Author:
Shreyas S. Yadav is an engineer and photographer of wildlife and nature. He is also a writer and lifelong adventure explorer. Through his writings, he teaches about digital post-processing and nature photography. Shreyas shares field techniques about nature photography, post-processing and wildlife photo stories on his website.

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