maanantai 13. heinäkuuta 2015 Corporate Stock Photos in Real Life

It’s a common joke nowadays that you can find stock photos with just about any situation you can think of—and it’s funny, until you need an extremely ridiculous image and actually find it on a stock photo site. The video below from Nacho Punch shows how it would look if an ordinary office was suddenly filled with stock photo scenarios:

You have all your standard office stock photo subjects: the guys laughing around the water cooler, the excessively happy guy on the phone, the team doing the superhero stance… not many of the standard stock photo characters are left out of the lineup.

stock photography comedy

True to life. If I hadn’t known that this was a still from a video, I’d definitely mistake it for a stock photo.

I enjoy these videos poking fun at aspects we all notice in our favorite hobby. I would have liked to see the infomercial-style photos that are so abundant in stock photography as well, but since this was set in the office I’m hoping they’ll make an appearance in the sequel.

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