keskiviikko 15. heinäkuuta 2015 Charming Photographs of Freckles

A truly great portrait is not just a point and shoot moment; it should say something about the subject’s character and personality. In this article we decided to focus on freckles! What is so special about sun-kissed skin? Take a look at images we found and decide for yourself:

freckles, boy, child, orange

photo by Paul G

woman, black, cold, freckles

photo by Sandra Thorsson

girl, woman, black, white, freckles

photo by Thomas Abbs

nude, freckles, woman, body

photo by Petar

girl, light, freckles

photo by Melanie Davies

boy, freckles

photo by Trina Alexander

Freckles or no freckles, if you want to learn more about portrait photography, check out our Portrait Photography Basics.

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