sunnuntai 22. elokuuta 2021 Top 10 Tips for Fireworks Photography

Firework photography is not just about leaving your camera to shoot long exposures and hoping that you get a good shot. In fact, there’s a lot of preparation to make regarding your gear and camera settings. If you’ve been struggling with firework photography, we’ve got the right video for you—photographer Paul Farris from Photo Genius shares 10 top tips that will help you take dazzling firework photographs.

Farris discusses everything you need to know about how to photograph fireworks in the video. And as he highlights, you have to be very careful starting from the preparation phase itself. How breathtaking your firework photos come out also depends primarily on whether or not you arrive at the location early to grab the best possible spot with a good vantage point. Be sure to choose a location where there is a low possibility of other people interrupting your shot. Also, ensure that you have a clear view of the cityscape, which you can use as a backdrop.

He also talks about the best type of camera, lenses and recommended settings for firework photography. And as far as additional gear is concerned, be sure to invest in a good tripod and a remote trigger. These two together help you to take sharp images by keeping your camera steady and reducing your contact with the camera. This is critical in long-exposure photography, as even the slightest movement can render the final image blurry and ruined.

As Farris rightly points out in the video, firework photography is not only about brilliant colorful explosions. You can add a lot of value to the image by establishing context. This is where your composition skill matters. Include the skyline in the background so viewers know where the image is from. If there’s any water body in the foreground, try and include the reflections. This will easily take your firework photo to the next level.

“Fireworks can be unpredictable, so don’t expect every single image to work.”

There are many other useful tips and tricks that Farris shares in the video, so be sure to watch the whole thing. What is your favorite firework-photography tip? Let us know in the comments below.

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