sunnuntai 12. huhtikuuta 2020 Underwater Product Photography Techniques

Admit it, images of products look pretty cool when shot underwater. The splash of water along with the bubbles oozing out of the products add life to an otherwise boring image. However, if you need to set a camera up underwater as well, then it becomes a really challenging and an expensive ordeal. It takes all the fun out of it. Popular photographer and filmmaker Peter McKinnon teaches you some easy and budget friendly techniques to help you take underwater photos:

The general idea is to use a fish tank almost full of water wherein you can drop the products. Strobes or flashes work great, but if you don’t have them, you can use bright continuous lights too. Then, set your camera up to shoot at continuous high frame rates with a very fast shutter speed. You can then take a burst of photos as the product is dropped into the water. Be sure to have a plain or black background for minimal distraction.

Since tracking the product can be a challenge, manual focus works best. Focus on the product manually before it’s dropped. Also, set the aperture to a greater value for a greater depth of field. This ensures that most of the product, bubbles, and the splash are in focus.

While all of this sounds simple on paper, it also boils down to luck. Since you have zero control over how the product will behave underwater, you can’t determine how it will align itself. You may thus need to retake the shot multiple times before you’re happy with the result. Remember, patience is key. And after shooting the photo, you can also retouch it to make it appear even better.

“When you get that perfect frame, it looks incredible.”

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