sunnuntai 4. joulukuuta 2016

Martin Bailey Photography: Capture One Pro Simple Adjustment Guide #1 (Podcast 552)

I recently put together a Simple Adjustment Guide for Capture One Pro from Phase One, which I’m releasing as this weeks Podcast to celebrate the release of version 10 of this incredible raw image processing software.

In this guide I explain how I take the background in a photograph of a lotus flower, to almost full black, at the same time as bringing out some beautiful detail in what started as a relatively mediocre photograph.

I’ve embedded the video below, but you can view mine and a host of other Simple Adjustment Guides on the Phase One Web site with the below link. You can also download the raw file that I work on to try the techniques explained for yourself using my photograph.

This is only a 10 minute video, but I hope you find it useful!

I will be creating more of these guides as time allows, so I hope you enjoy these. If you have a particular technique that you’d like me to describe in a future guide, do let me know if the comments below.

Save 10% on Capture One Pro!

If you don’t yet use Capture One Pro, now is a great time to give it a try. You can download Capture One Pro here and give it a try for a full 30 days to see if it’s for you before you take the plunge. Be warned though, once you’ve seen your images at their full potential, it will be hard to walk away from this. 🙂

Then, if you decide to buy a perpetual license for enter the code AMBP when you checkout on the Phase One web site to claim a 10% discount.

Show Notes

View this and other Simple Adjustment Guides on the Phase One Web site and download my raw file here:

Music by Martin Bailey


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The post Capture One Pro Simple Adjustment Guide #1 (Podcast 552) appeared first on Martin Bailey Photography.

from Martin Bailey Photography

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