sunnuntai 28. kesäkuuta 2020 Dog & Puppy Photography Ideas

Move away from ordinary pet photos by trying out these five fun dog photography ideas:

dog portrait

“Guardian of the Front Yard” captured by Matt Deavenport

1. Climb a Tree

No, not your dog silly. You! Climb a tree (preferably a sturdy one that is bigger than Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree). Bring a treat and your camera. Take a picture of your pup looking up at you or drop a ball from the tree. Turn up your shutter speed and start shooting.

pet portrait

“Dog the Boss” captured by Giuseppe Martino

2. Go For a Dip in the Water

Taking a picture of a dog running through the water without the “blur” effect is no easy task.

dog running on beach

“Run Doggie Run” captured by Thierry Marysael

Follow these steps to success: Set your camera to the sports mode or choose a fast shutter speed. Crouch down and aim at the water. Have a friend throw the ball in the water. Snap away as the dog swims back to you and exits the water. Extra Bonus: Wait an extra minute and right when Fido shakes off that extra water, click the shutter. You’ll get lots of weird dog shaking, silly photos that will evoke a few laughs. If you are not near a body of water, a hose in the backyard works great, too.

dog shaking off water

“Untitled” captured by Shehan Peruma

3. Consider Graffiti

Graffiti walls and dogs are a wonderful combo! If you’re in Denver, 29th Street between Walnut and Larimer has a fantastic display of graffiti. Put Fido in front (about eight feet away from graffiti wall so you get that “magical” colorful blur or “bokeh” background). Use either voice commands, a cat meowing, noise-makers, or treats. Start clicking and ta da! Dog art for your walls.

pet photography

“Frederick’s Snout” captured by Jason Pratt

4. Use a Glass Table

Do you have an old glass table? Well, bring it out and let’s pop your dog on it. Note: This is ONLY for breeds under 20 pounds. I would never want to put a dog in harm’s way. (I can just see someone putting a Great Dane on a glass nightstand!) Position the table so that the dog is facing the sun. Turn off your flash, get under the table, and start clicking!

5. Have a Snack

A dog eat ice cream tops my list of funny things to watch. Buy some non-chocolate ice cream (chocolate is dangerous for dogs!) in a cone. Set your camera to Portrait mode (or choose a wide aperture). Stay around 12 inches away from your dog’s face (that gives your camera some room to focus) and start shooting. The best part is when it gets all over their face! Grab yourself a cone and indulge, too! Fido should not have all the fun!

dogs eating ice cream

“Shelties” captured by Doc Moreau

About the Author:
Jaime Rowe’s life has been filled with one-eyed guinea pigs, albino angora rabbits, blue parakeets, beta fish, stray black cats, purebred dogs and lovable mutts. She operates Barkroom, a community of people who love photography and pets.

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