torstai 17. syyskuuta 2015 How to Watermark Your Photos in Lightroom

If you share your images on the web, send previews to your clients, or upload photos to your portfolio, watermarking your images is an absolute must. You don’t want to spend sleepless nights worrying if some fly-by-night operator somewhere on the web is using your images for free. Watermarking isn’t a fool-proof method, it’s better than leaving your images completely vulnerable. Johny Spencer from Visual Wilderness shares an easy way to watermark your images in Lightroom:

Click on Lightroom (Mac) or File (Windows) and then Edit Watermarks. Lightroom already has a default preset. You can use that or create one for yourself.

Types of Watermarks

There are two different types of watermarks in Lightroom. There is the simple text-based watermark and the other is the graphic watermark. Let’s look at both of them.

Creating a Text-Based Watermark Preset

When using a watermark ensure that the size and positioning does not interfere with the image itself. Choosing a non-contrasting font, style, color, and opacity makes a lot of sense in that regard. There are a bunch of other options you can play around with.


Taking down the opacity to around 60 or 70 is a good idea for black watermarks. With white you can be a bit more liberal. It all comes down to not making the watermark too obtrusive.


Horizontal and vertical spacing needs adjusting, as well. Use the Anchor guide to get a starting point. Logos (both texts and image types) are best positioned when they are either at the right or left hand bottom corner.

lightroom copyright watermark

Text-Based Watermark

Once you’re happy with the positioning and look of the watermark save it. A dialogue box will open up asking you for a name for the Preset.

Graphic Watermarks

For a graphic watermark you’ll need to find the image on your drive and upload it to Lightroom. Play around with the size, color, opacity and location just as you did for the text-based watermark.

How to watermark an image

Importing an image to use as a Watermark

Save it once you’re happy with the results.

Adding the Watermark to Your Images

To add the watermark to your images, you’ll need to export the image. Right-click on the image and click on Export. Check the settings before you hit export.


Exporting an image with watermark

Once you’re ready to export the image, scroll down and expand the option Watermarking. Check the box Watermark and select the Watermark Preset you want for your image.

bottom left watermark

Graphic Watermark

Do you watermark your images?

For Further Training on Lightroom

Pro photographer Phil Steele’s popular video training course educates photographers on how to master all aspects of the software. It can be found here: Lightroom Made Easy

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