perjantai 8. syyskuuta 2017 Photography Is Dead, Long Live Photography!

No, that’s not a typo. For a several years now, given the speed at which technology has evolved and continues to do so, there have been many people who have tried extremely hard to push the final nail into photography.


photo by _paVan_

To my mind, photography as it was once known is actually dead. Yep, there’s no denying that if we take something like street photography, for instance, the sheer proliferation of smart phones with inbuilt cameras and the whole ‘privacy’ concerns of today have meant that the golden era of this type of photography is gone.

This does not mean that street photography is done, dusted, and buried by any stretch of the imagination! What it does mean, though, is that we now find ourselves in a situation in life where we are constantly bombarded with, shall I say, sub-par imagery. Where once only the best of images would grace the public viewing field, now with only self-criticism and self-curated imagery we find ourselves inundated with utterly unimaginative and even technically inept photography gracing our lives.

camera phone photography

photo by Tydence Davis

There’s a myriad of different online photographic services that allow people to showcase their imagery. Too many to list. Unfortunately, even these sites only have self-curation inbuilt. Those elusive ‘likes’ and plus-ones that people are desperately chasing all come from the artist having a bunch of friends who mindlessly click, in most cases.

So photography as we knew it a while back is well and truly dead. The new king reigns; long live photography! So who is this new king?

The new king is actually still the old king. For those professionals out there who may be feeling a little bit out of sorts in this new digital age, don’t fret. All those account holders out there who may be getting a bazillion likes on their imagery will disappear tomorrow or the next day, and I can guarantee you that their imagery will turn to dust as if it never had happened in the first place.

Your true emotionally impacting imagery, the stuff that you know is good, will survive. Your best imagery will be the ones that live on to the next generation and allow them to experience the present times as they are. Those ‘insta-images’ of food and rabbit filters won’t survive—or at least I hope not, as I cannot imagine a future in which school children are taught in history that we, in this present time, all went around with bunny faces and flowers in our hair!

mystical boats

photo by john mcsporran

“So to you my dear creative, I say keep creating. Keep the faith and showcase your unique artistic visions with the world regardless of how many likes or otherwise you happen to get!”

About the Author
My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life. I’m available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events. Follow me in my crazy world via my site or Instagram!

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