maanantai 10. lokakuuta 2016

Martin Bailey Photography: Capture One Pro Image Editing and Processing (Podcast 544)

This week’s podcast is a video tutorial, to walk you through my new image editing and processing workflow in Phase One’s Capture One Pro. I have been using Capture One Pro since July, and have absolutely fallen in love with it, to the point that I haven’t used Lightroom once since switching.

I have also not used Silver Efex Pro or Color Efex Pro at all, and I’m finding myself in Photoshop less often too. My biggest test was how comfortable I felt working on all of the images from my recent tours in Greenland and Iceland, but these were no hiccups at all. I have worked exclusively in Capture One Pro, from import to export and everything in between.

One thing that I was kind of surprised by, was just how little work I had to do on most of my images to get them to look how I wanted. I have never been a heavy image processor, but during my earlier tests, I was putting quite a lot of time into each image. In reality, most of the images that I worked on over the last few month were how I wanted them to look after tweaking just a few sliders.

On occasion, I dived in and did a little bit of work with Adjustment layers, and sometimes did extensive cloning and healing to remove unwanted features like lots of people in the shot, and none of this was difficult to achieve.

What’s really enhanced my Capture One Pro workflow, is the ability to customize Capture One Pro’s user interface and shortcut keys, literally putting everything that I need right at my fingertips. Because of this, I also spend some time in this video explaining some of these aspects, especially the custom shortcuts.

To make it easier to follow along, I’ve actually shared my shortcut customizations here along with a PDF to print them out for easy reference. If you haven’t customized your own shortcuts, you might want to give these a try. Come back to check the shortcuts page from time to time too, as I’ll continue to tweak my shortcuts and will update the page whenever I do. There is a link to the page in the PDF to make that easy to do.

So, here’s the video. It’s almost an hour long, so grab a coffee and a plate of cookies, and I hope you find it useful.

Here too is a link that will list all Capture One Pro tutorials that I release. With this video, we are currently at four, but this list will grow over time as I release more.

Capture One Pro 10% Discount

Finally, don’t forget that if you decide to buy Capture One Pro, the full license, not the subscription or Sony version, you can use the code AMBP to get a 10% discount. Do give Capture One Pro a try first though. You can download it here and use it for 30 days before you make up your mind.

2016 5DayDeal Complete Photography Bundle

Also, before we finish, I’d like to inform you that the 5DayDeal team are releasing an amazing new Complete Photography Bundle that will be on sale from October 14 to 19, 2016. They are doing a giveaway of over $10,000 in prizes as well, for people that register ahead of time. Both can be found here if you read this post before Oct 19, 2016. 5DayDeal 2016 Giveaway!

Show Notes

Download Capture One Pro to Try:

View all Capture One Pro Tutorials:

See details of future tours here:

Music by Martin Bailey


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The post Capture One Pro Image Editing and Processing (Podcast 544) appeared first on Martin Bailey Photography.

from Martin Bailey Photography

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