sunnuntai 31. joulukuuta 2017 New Year’s Resolutions for New Photographers

Many of us have received or bought ourselves new digital cameras for Christmas, and with this comes the zeal to create great images. Sadly, the chances of this happening are small, as most of us know that a camera doesn’t take great images, the photographer does. So what resolutions... Discussion: What is Your New Year’s Resolution for Photography?

The beginning of a new year is truly a good time to set some goals for what you want to accomplish. Start off 2018 right! What is your New Year’s Resolution for Photography? We started this discussion on Facebook last night and in previous years, it’s always great to make friends...

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: To Fly Free in Space

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Night Photography – Light & Composition: Seoul Lights, by Dimitrios Zavos

On my last evening in Seoul and the temperature way below freezing, it seemed like a really good idea to walk to the top of Namsan mountain to get an overview of the city by night. The view was spectacular, but to capture this 20 second exposure (and a few more later on) I had... How to Photograph Fireworks Infographic

Fireworks are a rare subject that amateur photographers have a hard time lucking their way through. No amount of Instagram filtering and photoshopping will make a bad picture look good. So if you want to stand apart from the pack, you’ve got to know what you’re doing. Here is...

lauantai 30. joulukuuta 2017

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Apollo 17 VIP Site Anaglyph

via APOD What is the Slowest Shutter Speed You Can Use for Handheld Photography?

Once you start taking photos, many things become clear. The first is that light is vital to creating a nice photograph. The second thing is that digital photography has made things much quicker and simpler. Third, we understand that proper camera usage is crucial to... Interesting Photo of the Day: Glowing Tent Under a Winter Sky

Have you ever been camping in the winter? I mean, really camping—tent, sleeping bag, in the wilderness, under the clear, crisp winter sky, sleeping on snow? Colorado photographer Lars Leber lives for this kind of stuff and frequently hikes the beautiful, natural areas of Colorado... The Pros and Cons of Using LED Lights for Studio Portraits

LEDs aren’t the most perfect lighting tools for studio portraits. But they do offers some advantages when shooting portraits in a studio environment. Jay P. Morgan demonstrates this by using LED lights to recreate the magic of the 1920s: Advantages of Using LEDs With an LED...

perjantai 29. joulukuuta 2017

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: M78 Wide Field

via APOD Fireworks Photos: Preparation and Planning

Everyone loves a great New Year’s fireworks show and it seems that lots of people take pictures while they are at the show. Here is a question for you. How many great pictures of fireworks have you seen taken by any of your friends or relatives? I’ll bet your answer is not many.... Interesting Photo of the Day: Magnificent Autumn Colors of Wisconsin

A perfect autumn morning: sunlight filtering through the trees casts a soft orange glow, a sparkling little stream bubbles out of the rocks. The location? Pewit’s Nest near Devil’s Lake in Wisconsin: Pewit’s Nest, Wisconsin (via imgur; click for larger image) The product of... How to Set Up a Nighttime Portrait in 9 Seconds

Nine seconds. That’s all the time you have to set up a portrait of the bride and the groom. A tired bride and groom, at that. You have to be precise about the exposure, the light, and the pose. You also need to make sure that you don’t fool around and make an already long day...