torstai 13. elokuuta 2015 A Fisherman Catches…a Drone?

This video definitely opens the debate of whether or not flying drones in public places is a good idea after all. While it’s really hard to ignore the fact that these flying machines capture really wonderful pictures, it’s also true that they can be a real nuisance. After all, not everyone at the controls is a sensible individual. But sometimes people in general can get carried away with their impulses. Like this gentleman at the Crystal Pier at Pacific Beach in San Diego:

While the drone was hovering harmlessly at a distance, this fisherman, obviously got irked and decided to try his hand at catching a flying fish instead. And what a lucky cast!

drone caught by fishing pole

Fisherman Catches a Drone

He managed to entangle the drone with the line. The drone operator, however, managed to salvage his drone and got it untangled to fly another day.

If you’re wondering what on earth he was doing spying on people at the pier, here’s your answer:

As you can see spying wasn’t the photographer’s intention at all.

So, what do you think? Was the fisherman right to do what he did? Or was the drone operator well within his rights to fly his drone and make images?

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